A messenger, a mediator, and a protector of human beings, his presence adds a mystifying atmosphere to the card. We are born from the same Earth, under the same Sun. Lovers as Advice The Lovers is sometimes about the choices we make between our head and our heart. This creates a chasm between the two of you. Emsie #4 Thirteen said: If this card is about his feelings toward you, why would you think it means he's seeing another person? Depending on which other tarot cards appear in a reading alongside the Lovers, its meaning can change quite significantly. When this card appears reversed, it can indicate a lack of commitment or a need for Whether you are single or have a partner, the Lovers suggest that you are falling in love. That may affect your mood in the following days and weeks, and there might be no way to mend this gap. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. It might be time to give your good friends a call and meet up for a walk or just to catch up! Your ex knows how strong your connection was, and they miss it. The Lovers as Feelings. The sun is shining brightly and the grass is green and fertile, which indicates a general positive meaning. The Lovers appearing in a career reading can be somewhat confusing. In terms of introspection and self-analysis, the Lovers in reverse indicates double standards that you may display in a specific situation. When The Lovers shows up, you need to seek help or advice before making any decision. If you are someone whos just a little bit like me, you probably already have issues coming up with more than one question to ask during a job interview, let alone finding good questions for 11 Best Tarot Decks For Love And Relationship Readings. It depends on my mood. WebThe Lovers tarot card can mean: Upright: Love, union, and marriage. Their feelings for you go beyond lust or needtheir passion for you feels almost spiritual. For singles, the Lovers is a sign that someone has fallen head over heels for you and that youll be in a meaningful relationship soon. The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. It indicates that they are likely to be very open and honest with you when it comes to their true feelings as they feel safe and respected around you. They can be witty, charming, and humorous, as well as thoughtful, reflective, and on edge. They might also have problems communicating with you since there is a lack of transparency between you and them. With insights into his life. The card may also indicate that the seekers sexual energy finds no release, fueling stress and tension. Make the right decision. There will be a secure connection within the relationship, with a soulmate bond. They place a lot of emphasis on thinking through the situation, sometimes even more than actually feeling out the situation. WebThe Hierophant who carries on cultural traditions and tries to create a unified, spiritual connection in his community. One of the uses of doing a Tarot card reading is to offer direction and advice, especially during times that require you to make difficult decisions. WebLovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols. WebKing of Swords and Strength as Feelings. In reverse, the Lovers card refers to a crowded place that stresses you out. WebLovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols. c. The Fool is a person who can be anyone he wants. This combination is generally a very good sign when it comes to feelings. If you choose poorly you will regret it. When the Lovers appears in reverse as the future, it indicates separation or a breakup between two partners. This card also teaches us that this love is only possible through excellent communication and a shared understanding. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. Understand the deeper meaning of your spiritual journey. Its obvious that The Lovers is the card of love and relationships. And he probably has some equally strong feelings about the choice you made to end the relationship. They feel that there is an everlasting flame between the two of you. This can mean that your significant other has rejected you or has chosen to ignore you if youre in a relationship. They generally represent love, infatuation, mutual attraction, sexuality, partnerships and relationships. The Lovers shows you two paths you will choose from. In an existing romantic relationship or a situation that might point to possible love, the Lovers card in an upright position is very positive. If the Lovers card appears as an obstacle or a challenge, it signifies a downward turn in a relationship. The lovers are about choice, not just about love. You might be having second thoughts, letting your social life sidetrack you, or you are just too stressed out because of work and you need to relax. Yes, he will. The women and the man arent truly connected. The Lovers is one of those tarot cards that everyone tends to be excited about when encountering it during a tarot reading. Dancer. Both Adam and Eve are naked in front of each other. I cannot think of better words to explain this other than those of Lebanese-American poet Khalil Gibran: For if you bake bread with indifference, you bake a bitter bread that feeds but half mans hunger. They feel confident in the idea that you could very well be their soulmate. This card might otherwise mean that you are called to choose between different suitors or to decide if youd rather stay single and wait for the right one than start a relationship in the near future. Will he confess his love? In fact, they have been living in a state of denial for quite some time and are finally coming to terms with the huge ramifications of their departure from love. They are aware of their own nakedness. The Lovers in reverse might also show a relationship that has broken down. Your ex may reach out soon about getting back together, because reconciliation is on their mind. If you are asking about how he or she feelings about you, then the Lovers is one of the best cards to get. It could be a famous bar, the town square, or that hip new meeting place everyone is talking about. Social Worker. This is a sure indication that rapid change is on its way to you and that some unpleasant decisions are waiting to be made. After the Hierophant, who points to the heavens above, we witness a true marvel; Heaven and Earth unite, offering their blessings so we can start doing what we love and loving what we do. This nudity shows that there will be no secrets between you and your partner. If you have someone specific in mind and the Lovers card shows up in your reading, in the upright position, it generally means favorable things. Another meaning of the Lovers tarot card are decisions between right and wrong and temptations. Aristotle said that man is by nature a social animal and this is exactly the point of this card. The card that appears immediately after the Lovers is the Chariot, denoting rapid movement. However, it is incorrect to assume that the Lovers card refers to only love and the union of two people. There is a spiritual sensation that develops, a holy force that transcends the limitations of passion or transient sexual materialism. But the Lovers card does. Of course, we should not ignore one of the more obvious meanings of this card; that of sexual desire and making love. This symbolizes the profound, self-honoring reciprocity between a man and a woman. Yes, he will. When the Lovers tarot card is reversed, it can indicate all kinds of difficulties in a relationship. In reverse, the Lovers card means that relations with your friend(s) in question are deteriorating. Mostly falling in love with people but also the contended feeling of being comfortable in our own skin and our self-esteem rising along with our confidence. Fate makes you feel like your in love. The Lovers upright tells you to consider all your options carefully because this is an important decision that will likely change the course of your life. This person is well kept and isnt single very often. By disobeying the order of God, the first humans to be created attained knowledge of both good and evil, becoming aware of shame, guilt, and lust. In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. There might be a complete breakdown in the situation you are facing. The necessary foundation of your relationship is sturdy and will last long. Despite craving the love and affection of those they love, this person often displays inconsistent behavioral patterns, which end up pushing people further away from them. Perhaps the choice you are presented with in this case is to move on from this joyless indifference to the certainty of the Chariot. Depending on the surrounding cards and the situation, the Lovers can indicate two different things as an external influence. Perfumer. I remember the first time I ever saw the Lovers card in a reading. The Lovers card generally mean that a relationship may soon pose a challenge or a question that will involve some decision making. Furthermore, it could generally mean that your heart is in the right place and that you love what you do for a living. It is very likely that they want to be in a relationship with you, if that is not already the case. The Lovers is sometimes about the choices we make between our head and our heart. Eve eating the apple offered by the serpent propels humanity into a binding downward spiral, forever losing the innocence shared with Adam in utopian Eden. Being with your soul mate. Upright The Lovers card as feelings portrays love, empathy, confidence, togetherness, and harmony between the pair. Even though the tarot can be a great tool for gaining insights into your (love) life, it is important to keep in mind that the meaning of the cards are just a general guide and not always 100% applicable to your unique situation. Still, with the appearance of Lovers Tarot in love reading in the reversed position, you should not get disheartened and know that there are ways that can improve your situation. Whether it leads to a valley or a mountaintop, it doesnt matter. They also represent all kinds of unions and relationships - even business relationships. So neither can use the head AND the heart to come to the right decision. In the Major Arcana, the Emperor and Hierophant that symbolize the realms of rules and doctrines. They find you reliable and an integral part of the task at hand. Lets now go ahead and take a look at the meaning of the reversed position of the Lovers tarot card when it comes to feelings. Because of the difficulty they face in choosing, they are unable to lay down a strong foundation in any relationship, romantic and otherwise. Taking it slow and being patient is often the best approach when this tarot card combination appears. Whenever Im doing a tarot reading on myself, I must confess that most of the time these readings revolve largely around questions regarding my relationships and love life in general. It might be hurting your social life, causing you to withdraw from friends and family because you dont want to get hurt or simply to avoid everyone. This is a card all about predestination. Also in some decks there is a man standing between two women. The Lovers symbolizes that there might be approaching judgments to be made in a relationship; the relationship may or may not be romantic. If thats the case, then relax, take a few days off and youll feel better soon. The Lovers card in reverse points to some sort of conflict or tension in your life. You will make the right decision. Check it out, then let me know your experience. Be honest with yourself in this situation. The first and most apparent is that a particular relationship in your life has turned sour through communication breakdown. While it may not mean a union, it says that this person wants you around. It shows disharmony, stress, and in some cases, double standards and the refusal to own up to them. In love relationships a strong attraction, that was once there might have fizzled out. You are failing to communicate and focusing on what separates you rather than what connects you. There is a mountain surging between the couple. If you are single, the Lovers in reverse can represent holding yourself back from (new) love. In a reading about love, the Lovers card is a great sign. 2022 Sibyl Tarot. If youre wondering how someone feels about you in the romantic sense, this combination suggests they may be feeling conflicted. To deny a spiritual connection is the wrong choice. In a yes or no reading, when The Lovers card is reversed the answer is generally considered to be a No.. That is especially true for introverts and people with social anxiety. If the situation relates to an existing relationship, the Lovers card may symbolize the choice between staying or moving on. Sometimes I will choose the sound of rain or the ocean or even thunder. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. The Lovers reversed as feelings in a relationship is not something that you want for you and your partner. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. The Lovers, when reversed, have a rather negative meaning for your social life. Metaphorically, you may be seeing things only from Adams perspective, as he only sees the woman and not the angel or perhaps you are Eve, who can only see the Angel and not the man. You complete a part of them, making it a union of knowledge and vitality. On the other hand, perhaps you are too absorbed in your social life or hobbies that youre making no progress at all. a. The Lovers card in an upright position, as a card of advice, talks about the inevitable choices you have to make to honestly figure out what you love or desire in your life. The Lovers card will possibly indicate a place where young people meet and mingle. Raphael unites the couple, as he is the angel of communication. The Lovers reversed can also mean that the person in question is afraid of getting hurt. Physical attraction Communication with like-minded people. Lovers Tarot Story This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. And he is interested in the development of your relationships. There is a strong need for you, and they think of you as someone who may complete their life. Passion, excitement, intimacy, communication, and loving the other as they are, for who they are; that is what the Lovers card reveals in a love reading. a. Due to previous bad experiences, they may feel extremely fearful of what might happen if they were to put themselves out there and be vulnerable in love once again. The reversed position can mean that you have been putting off making a decision and it is time to take action. When the Lovers and the King of Cups appear together in a reading, it generally implies that you are feeling a deep emotional connection to your partner or love interest. Nevertheless, the Lovers card portrays a scene of immense beauty and grace. The Lovers is about falling in love, sexual attraction, taking a relationship to another level. The Lovers in reverse also reveals a breakdown in talks or communication within a partnership that may or may not be romantic. The Lovers Card symbolizes the zodiac sign of Gemini. Most people interpret the Lovers card as a card symbolical of romantic love, perhaps due to the man and woman (or Adam and Eve) on the cards illustration. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. It shows the possibility of a mutually beneficial relationship in your life. In questions regarding career and money, the Lovers card signifies that you may have to make an important choice. Paired with Temperance, they might encourage the querent to welcome a beneficial outside influence, or to be aware of how they choose to express their feelings. In reverse, the Lovers card indicates that your career is causing some kind of conflict within yourself. Arguments or indifference have taken their toll and hanging out with each other feels awkward and not that pleasant. Furthermore, the card might refer to friendships, making choices, as well as socializing and the joy of being alive. You are not feeling the same level of closeness as you once did with your soul, and the feeling is likely to be mutual. WebAre you frustrated with Googling tarot interpretations that DON'T resonate? You may be reluctant to open your heart to the relationship for fear of getting hurt. If you draw the Lovers card reversed as an Advice card, it is the complete opposite of the upright position. The woman or perhaps the man has a choice. One person may be more emotionally involved than the other, and this gap could lead to disappointment and insecurity later down the track. His love is true and unconditional. Youve grown distant from a specific person or group of friends. b. The man stands next to the tree of life or the Jewish kabbalistic tree. He is ready to be together with you no matter what is going to happen. Tired of being confused and NOT understanding your tarot cards? However, this card generally denotes a positive outcome to the situation. A trinity connects all of them together. The reversed position can mean that you have been putting off making a decision and it is time to take action. They do not think of you in a positive light, wanting to break away from the idea of a relationship with you. WebThat's what the Lovers is all about--finding someone or some thing that you connect to very strongly. In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. It might also mean that there is no love or respect left in the relationship. When The Lovers shows up, you need to seek help or advice before making any decision. The Major Arcana The Wands The Cups The Swords The Pentacles. The Lovers show that perfect union is possible. Again, it is a matter of how you choose to spend your time. For those embarking on new relationships, the Lovers is also a great sign. The Lovers symbolizes that there might be approaching judgments to be made in a relationship; the relationship may or may not be romantic. If you are in a relationship, the Lovers tarot card tends to indicate that things are going very well and both you and your partner feel good about each other. This card is very much about two people coming together and creating a strong sense of connection through common ground and respect. It can be a choice between a good path and a bad path. In this guide, we take a more in-depth look at all the connotations of the Lovers card showing up in your tarot reading. The woman stands next to the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden, which represents temptation. Reversed, the Lovers may also be trying to draw your attention to a situation that is no longer serving you and your best interests. Reconciliation or getting back together is unlikely to be initiated by your ex. The Lovers card represents union, harmony, relationships, and also points to irreversible choices and making crucial decisions. This large imbalance and disunity can only lead to insecurity and disappointment down the road. I also love having my White Sound Machine and my Asakuki Diffuser running in my living room. There are a few different tarot card combinations that are worth mentioning when it comes to the Lovers as feelings. The Lovers in reversed tells you to be wary of red flags because if you are suspicious or have any misgivings about the situation or person involved, the card is telling you that you might be right. WebThe Lovers as feelings will tell you, Of course, he loves you. Will he confess his love? The one where a spirit whispers in your ear, "That's the one." And, What It Tells About Her? relationship trouble, disharmony in a relationship. For those in new relationships, the Lovers reversed as feelings is a sign of discord. They could be torn between two different paths and struggling to decide which one to take. The name Raphael literally means God has healed in Hebrew. With the Lovers upright, you have the blessings of your Higher Self and are making the right decision. The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. If you have recently undertaken a job or have entered into a relationship half-heartedly, this card in reverse is your Higher Self telling you to re-examine the situation.
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